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My kind-a guy

How to deal with some of life's problems:

1. Save every Free Credit Card Offer you get, Put it in pile A
2. Save every Free Coupon You get, put that in pile B
3. Now open the credit card mail from pile A and find the Business Reply Mail Envelope.
4. Take the coupons from pile B and stuff them in the envelope you hold in your hand.
5. Drop the stuffed to the brim envelopes in your mail and walk away whistling.

I have now received two phone calls from the credit card companies telling me that they received a stuffed envelope with coupons rather than my application. They informed me that it they are not pleased that they footed the bill for the crap I sent them. I reply with "It says Business Reply Mail" I'm suggesting coupons to you to ensure that your business is more successful. They promptly hang up on me.

Now, I did this for about a month before it got boring, so I got an added idea! I added exactly 33 cents worth of pennies to the envelope so they paid EXTRA due to the weight. I got a call informing me about the money, I said it was a mistake and I demanded my change back. After yelling at the clerk and then to the supervisor they agreed to my demands and cut me a check for the money. I hold in my hand at this
very moment a check from GTE Visa for exactly 33 cents.

From [Permalink] --- now, thats my kind-a guy!! :D


  1. That is very very !!!!
    I tagged you ! :) :)

  2. "Marketers" really do deserve all this. But it's not enough... what about sending them smelly old socks and rotten tomatoes as well?

  3. Syrals, :) yeah... way to go!

    Lavender, I'm glad you liked it. Where is the tag? Didn't see it on your blog when I skimmed through it :-\

    Hari, again, my kind-a guy! Go get 'em, tiger!! :D

    Ricercar, do try it out sometime when you are really bored... I'm sure that :) will become a :D

  4. wow! Standing Ovation to the dude!! :D

  5. sudipto,

    thts awesome :))

    why didnt someone think of this before?? ..


  6. Di, yeah, I'll accept them on his behalf :D

    Reshmi, well, now that someone has, you are more than welcome to :P :P

    Pallavi, oh yes, do that... and let us know! :)

    Twilight Fairy, isn't it? :)

  7. dude!! enough to take d hell outta somebody :))

  8. now that's my kind of post! great going!

  9. Janum, well, Satan too needs his agents, you know! :P

    Rajarshi, thanks! :) I liked your post as well.

  10. 101 in irritating the irritator ;) yeh course ka naam hai and you are ofcourse the guest instructor :D

  11. Life lover, thank you! Of course, of course... and I'm sure you will want to enroll in that. :D

  12. TGFI, yeah, sure!! And let us know. And a very warm welcome onboard, doctor! :)

  13. Do you have to reveal your identity on a Business Reply envelop? As far as I know (in India) you can post them without having to write your address...

  14. Shrinidhi, no I don't think so, but this guy stuffed all the coupons and stuff that came for him (with his name printed on them). Thats why they called back, I think

  15. ultimate!!!!...i am laughing out loudly in office and team mates are staring at me...ha ha ha!!!

  16. Animikh, :) Well, feel free to share stuff.


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