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Show stopper

Issues, assumptions, and show-stoppers... if you are a manager in some software organisation, they set your heart aflutter. If you are a software engineer, you keep smiling secretly because you can relax till that all-important-entity called the 'client' comes in and resolves them. And if you are blogger, well, you just plain get sad, because you have to put blogging 'on hold' :(

Yes, you got it right, I am going to stop blogging. Why? Because I don't have time. I have to apply to the best possible places, I need to finish my SoP and my Recos, and need to finish a lot of other associated things in the application. If you have gone through this process, you'll know. And the icing on the cake is the AGRE or the Computer Science Subject GRE that I need to take to prove my mettle once again. Oh, I am already getting the creeps because I don't even know the entire syllabus now. To clear it well, I need to study. To study, I need to shut off distractions, and to do that, I have to stop bloggin' :(

I have a number of posts lined up... topics that I have been pondering over for quite sometime, and they will be good posts by my standards. On a sidenote, don't you think that it is these thought-over posts that are the gems of your entire blog? Well, some other post, maybe. My exam is on 12th November, and it is only after that I can come back here. Till then, I will not even comment on your blog, will not read them, and will not also respond to your comments on this post or any other :(( Only I know how much I will be longing to hear what you have to say... it is really a stressful period for my heart and emotions. Please, GOD, give me the strength to be able to turn off the TV when I reach home tonight, and help me drag myself to study. Fellow bloggers, wish me luck!!...


  1. I admire your dedication and your resolve. And I wish you all the very best for your Subject GRE. You know you are gonna rock them just like you did for GRE and TOEFL. In the meantime, keep away from all the distractions(and that includes "soaps" as well). And come back with good news.

  2. Sudipta,

    You don't need to apologize or even explain your absence online. Yes, if it makes you feel better, do so. But remember, your real life comes first. I have always maintained that blogging should always remain a relaxing hobby, not a serious to-do job.

    Wishing you all the best for your upcoming examinations!


  3. All the best! First accomplish your task then think about other things.

  4. hey sudip, all the best for the exams. Will miss you though.

  5. All the best buddy.Study hard and blast the exam.And about the blogging break..wherever you go , whatever you do , ill be right here waiting for you...kiddin ! all the best.

  6. All the best! blog when you feel like it.. like I do :)..

  7. Sudipta: First time on here! Good one you have here, so why do you want to stop. I have gone through most of your posts and am passing this link on to my sister cos I don't think I can give her any more info about the GRE/TOEFL than you have given here (through all those links). Keep posting man. :)

    And hey, all the best for the AGRE! So now you ahve to write AGRE too? I thought just the GRE is enough :O

  8. All the best girl! Will miss ur posts..but I'm sure you're gonna return with a bang after your exams..Anyways.. Take care and don't stress yourself out too much.


  9. aw..i remember going through that phase a few weeks ago (but i still somehow find time to blog - even though short ones - maybe cuz my uni just started).

    good luck on the exam ! take care 'n God bless :)

  10. Hey Sudipta, wish you all the luck for your papers, mate! Well, don't you get all stressed up, I'm sure things are gonna be great for you. And I'm sure, even though you aren't replying to our comments, you sure are coming online to atleast check out what the comments are ;-) I'm sure 'coz you aren't the only one who blogs an even takes leave when exams hover over the neck :-D !!

  11. all the best for ur are among the few bloggers i respect.others are well ...not of my taste.well once again all the best.waiting for that brain to churn out blogs...

  12. Sunshine, well, thanks... the good news is that the test did not go as bad as I expected it to be. In fact, it was good.

    Hari, thanks for the support. Blogging indeed is a relaxing hobby... will visit your place soon

    Alka, yes of course... thanks

    Ramchi, umm... no cig/beer. There is always time for coffee, and even more time for the chicks :)

    Priyangini, thanks a lot... will visit your place soon

    Shashi, thanks... I needed those very much for all these days

    Abhinav, yeah, aapka bhi turn aayega :D

    Twilight Fairy, yes, I am doing that right now :)

    Anti, oh, well then, welcome aboard! And sure pass this link to anybody... the more the merrier :)

    sbk, thanks a lot... not exactly a bang, but well, I am back. BTW, "girl" ??? :O My post coming up on this one soon, I promise

    Most wanted, uh-oh... but I work as well. Only I know how I manage both in parallel

    Shayon, trust me, these comments were my lifeblood all these days

    Ray, umm... are you sure you are from the GMU?? :D

    Rajiv, holy smoke!! You made my day!! Wait till I show that comment to other people... :) Thanks a lot pal.. hope you will be around

    Rob, trust me, I am not going to minnova :D

  13. Susubala, my valuable posts?? :O

    Thanks a lot, pal... as you can see above, I'm back.


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