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My advices for GATE aspirants

The following is a set of mails that I had written to some GATE groups in the alst couple of weeks. The info was appreciated and therefore I thought it might be useful to post that online as well. Some are simple mails, some are chat transcrtipts, and some others are just my personal fundas. Hope someone finds them useful.

This is the mail to a person ranked 39 All India in GATE CS 2005.

The better way of ranking the institutes is this way,
at least for Comp Sci.

Grade A:

Grade B:

Grade C:

Grade D:
IIITs, NITs, etc.

In each grade, it is advisable to look for the
correct specialisation you are applying for. I mean,
although Operating Systems may be good at IIT Delhi,
you might be interested in Automata and that is
probably better at IIT Kanpur. So within each group,
make sure you have a thorough look at the websites,
the faculty, the ongoing projects, etc. to be able to
gauge where you want to go. Apply everywhere, but in
the time inbetween that remains, make sure you do a
thorough research on the institutes through the
websites, maybe mail the students there, or even get
in touch with the Profs... Trust me, the students are
co-operative and they do reply. Do not bombard them
with dumb questions, but on the whole if you ask about
a particular professor or course, or maybe mail a
professor regarding any particular reserch project
that he is heading... etc.

About scholarships, there is a golden rule to follow
as far as I believe. And that is, each of the grades
of institutes above has a better scholarship and
funding scheme than the last.

Take care and keep mailing.

This again is the mail that followed this one, because I had left many gaping holes

Hello everyone,
I guess many of us share the same concerns. Here is a
transcript of my conversation with Dipak Lad. I think
you might find it useful.

[14:04] dipak_c_lad: hello... r u there ?
[14:04] *** Auto-response sent to dipak_c_lad: I am
currently away from the computer.
[14:05] dipak_c_lad: I do really need your help !!
[14:22] sudipta_cht: Hi
[14:22] sudipta_cht: I'm back
[14:22] sudipta_cht: tell me
[14:23] dipak_c_lad: I have been qualified but don't
have got enough marks to get admin at IITs. I got
88.14%tile with AIR of 3191 and Score of 336.
[14:23] sudipta_cht: hmm... :-?
[14:23] dipak_c_lad: Can you please suggest me the
other eqv. options ?
[14:24] sudipta_cht: Well, I guess the IIITs and NITs
are the place for you
[14:25] dipak_c_lad: What do you think, would I be
able to get admin. at there ? What are the chance to
get there according to you ?
[14:25] sudipta_cht: I really have never applied to
any such place... but I think you got a good chance
[14:25] sudipta_cht: try mailing the current students
[14:26] dipak_c_lad: Do you have any idea of
assistantship at iiits and nits ?
[14:26] sudipta_cht: I don't think there is too much
funding regarding assistanceships
[14:27] sudipta_cht: check teh websites
[14:27] dipak_c_lad: ok
[14:28] dipak_c_lad: One more quetion.... If I apply
for the IITs(if any chance), Is it the waste of time
and money ?
[14:29] sudipta_cht: umm... do you have any paper
publications, some previous research experience?
[14:29] dipak_c_lad: No.. But I do have 1 year
Industry exp.
[14:29] dipak_c_lad: at Godrej Agrovet Ltd.
[14:30] sudipta_cht: oh.. regarding assistanceships...
if the scholarship is what bothers you I think you
might find that there is a minimum scholarship for
MTech at each of the institutes
[14:30] sudipta_cht: if you are looking for extra it
is a different story
[14:30] sudipta_cht: Well, except IITG and IITR i
think yours is going to be a waste of money
[14:31] dipak_c_lad: Why except IITG and IITR ? Should
I apply to these twoes ?
[14:31] sudipta_cht: a very remote chance.. but you
might try
[14:32] sudipta_cht: I'd also suggest the IITB
Research Fellowship program
[14:32] sudipta_cht: or the various MSc or MS in Comp
Sci at the various institutes if you do not mind
spending about 1500/-
[14:32] sudipta_cht: just for a try
[14:33] sudipta_cht: various institutes = IITs in
Grade A+B+C
[14:33] sudipta_cht: as per my mail
[14:33] dipak_c_lad: ok
[14:34] dipak_c_lad: Thank you for you suggestion. If
you don't mind, may i contact you in future if need be
[14:34] sudipta_cht: no problem at all.. let me add
you to my list
[14:34] *** "dipak_c_lad" signed on at Wed Mar 16
14:34:48 2005.
[14:35] *** dipak_c_lad has added you to their contact
list with reason: "Hi ! You are in my friend list.".
You may choose to accept or deny this action. You may
also add this user to your contact list or ignore this
[14:35] *** You have been successfully added to
dipak_c_lad's contact list.
[14:35] sudipta_cht: do you mind if I paste this
conversation in the group?
[14:36] sudipta_cht: like, many people will be having
similar questions
[14:36] dipak_c_lad: Of course...
[14:36] sudipta_cht: thanks


The third instalment of GATE Gyaan that followed was this:
I just had a chat with another two people and the
queries seem common. Please have a look if you want.

[14:43] *** dipak_c_lad has joined the chat.
[14:44] *** zipschumi has joined the chat.
[14:44] sudipta_cht: hello all
[14:44] dipak_c_lad: hello.. r u getting me ?
[14:44] dipak_c_lad: ok
[14:44] sudipta_cht: yep
[14:44] sudipta_cht: everyone online
[14:44] zipschumi: ya
[14:44] sudipta_cht: so... shoot!
[14:44] zipschumi: ya so i was saying i have a
percentile of 97.99 in cs, how good is that for iitg n
[14:45] sudipta_cht: looks fine for a call ... what is
your AIR?
[14:45] zipschumi: 691 but this is last years air
[14:45] dipak_c_lad: I want to know about the All
India Rank. Is it the ranking common to all streams of
GATE'05 ? means CS -CH-ME-..etc. All having common
ranking !
[14:45] sudipta_cht: no probs... you may get a call
[14:45] sudipta_cht: definitely not, dipak
[14:46] dipak_c_lad: ok
[14:46] sudipta_cht: As I said, for both of you guys,
the non-MTech programs have a better chance
[14:46] zipschumi: thanks, how abt my chances for an
[14:47] sudipta_cht: err... not very sure but they are
[14:47] zipschumi: how does an ms compare with an
[14:47] sudipta_cht: I think IIT Chennai has an MS
that is very much viable for you
[14:48] zipschumi: how does an ms compare with an
mtech?? job prospects wise
[14:48] sudipta_cht: not very sure... but the chances
are definitely lesser
[14:49] sudipta_cht: you can find that out, again,
from teh current students there
[14:49] zipschumi: ya, will do that
[14:50] zipschumi: is an mtech in iitg or iitr better
than an ms in an A-grade institute??
[14:51] sudipta_cht: An MTech is definitely better
[14:51] sudipta_cht: at least according to me
[14:51] zipschumi: ok, thanks so much, you have
answered so many questions which i didnt know whom to
[14:52] zipschumi: what r u planning to do?
[14:52] sudipta_cht: :) never mind.. and with your
permission... I'll put this again to the group
[14:52] sudipta_cht: I will be going for GRE... since
I want to go for an integrated PhD
[14:52] zipschumi: sure thing, hope it helps a lot of
other ppl too
[14:52] sudipta_cht: right
[14:52] zipschumi: gr8
[14:53] zipschumi: any idea abt it in iitb?
[14:53] zipschumi: the cut off there is 96
[14:54] sudipta_cht: 96 !! for which program?
[14:54] zipschumi: IT in school of info tech
[14:54] sudipta_cht: KReSIT with MTech in IT has a low
cutoff open to all branches
[14:54] zipschumi: ya, thats rite
[14:55] sudipta_cht: yes... there probably it is 92
[14:55] zipschumi: o ok
[14:55] sudipta_cht: again... the website will be of
more help
[14:55] zipschumi: yes
[14:55] zipschumi: anyway, thanks again sudipta, u
were of a lot of help, will keep in touch
[14:56] sudipta_cht: sure
[14:56] zipschumi: bye!!
[14:56] sudipta_cht: bye


Oh.. the third instalment of this gyaan was too good to resist!
Hi all,


IITG and IITR are your best shots.. if you are above
97 percentile. If you don't mind spending about
1500/-, apply to all the IITs.

If you are still lower.. check the other messages..
you'll find something of use.


Last in the series was this mail:

Hi there,
It seems many people are finding all these gyaans
useful. All the well... I'll post my latest
"counselling" adventure here. Hope you find something

Sudipta Chatterjee: Hi

unirav: hi

unirav: i got u r address from yahoo grp

Sudipta Chatterjee: ok

unirav: my name is Nirav Uchat

unirav: i got 98.76 % tile

Sudipta Chatterjee: good

unirav: AIR 336

Sudipta Chatterjee: that is nice

unirav: now very confuse @ admission

unirav: what u say

Sudipta Chatterjee: err... did you read all the
messages I have posted in the groups?

unirav: yup

Sudipta Chatterjee: still confused? abt what?

unirav: where to apply and how to prepare for enternce

unirav: i m applying at all IITS

Sudipta Chatterjee: "where to apply" has been answered

unirav: yup

Sudipta Chatterjee: and that is a good decision

Sudipta Chatterjee: how to prepare.. just as you did
for GATE

Sudipta Chatterjee: or mebbe you can mail the students

unirav: k

unirav: i got mail from one of the IITB student

Sudipta Chatterjee: ok.. and what did he say?

unirav: he told me to apply at IISC for supercomputing

Sudipta Chatterjee: yes that is also agood option

unirav: but what are my chances to get call for IISC

unirav: i will not get direct admision thats for sure

Sudipta Chatterjee: yes

Sudipta Chatterjee: all you can do is pray

unirav: k

unirav: k

unirav: fare enough

Sudipta Chatterjee:

unirav: and what @ IITR and IITG

unirav: u mensin in u r last mai;

Sudipta Chatterjee: you might get a call from these as

unirav: and getting into any of the IIT is good right

Sudipta Chatterjee: of course! better than any IIIT or

unirav: k

unirav: now ther are 5 choice in IISC BSD

Sudipta Chatterjee: BSD??

unirav: for ME/M-Tech

unirav: i mean admission from

unirav: basic data sheet

unirav: forget it

Sudipta Chatterjee: ohh... the appln form or
something, right?

unirav: yes

Sudipta Chatterjee: yeah so?

unirav: now is it better then IIT

unirav: i mean ME in IISC

unirav: Vs M-tech in IIT

Sudipta Chatterjee: See... that depends on a lot of

Sudipta Chatterjee: first of all, what do you want to
do further

Sudipta Chatterjee: if you are looking for a job

Sudipta Chatterjee: the IIT may be a tad bit better

Sudipta Chatterjee: but if you are looking for a good

Sudipta Chatterjee: and really learn a thing or two
and go into research

Sudipta Chatterjee: the IISc is better

Sudipta Chatterjee: this again... is for teh choice
between IISc MSc and IITG or IITR MTech

Sudipta Chatterjee: but anyway the MTech is always
more preferable

unirav: k

unirav: my goal is job oreinted

unirav: in goos MNC

unirav: *good

Sudipta Chatterjee: then rush for the IITs at all cost

unirav: k

unirav: and no matter what happened any of the IIT is

unirav: it does't matter whether it is IITB,IITK or
class c IITG,IITR

unirav: what u say

Sudipta Chatterjee: yes.. that is true

Sudipta Chatterjee: if it is a choice of IIT or

unirav: k

unirav: got u

Sudipta Chatterjee: I am elated!

Sudipta Chatterjee: say, do you mind if this
conversation is posted in the group?

unirav: no prob man

Sudipta Chatterjee: right.. the folks can expect some
more gyaan then

unirav: u r doing such good job

Sudipta Chatterjee: no probs buddy! you made my day

Sudipta Chatterjee: lemme add you to my list

Nirav Uchat: thanks

Nirav Uchat: last year IITB has taken upto 124 AIR as
direct Admission

Nirav Uchat: so urs is 39 right

Sudipta Chatterjee: nahi.. I got 93.84 percentile

Nirav Uchat: no prob

Nirav Uchat: i mess somewhere

Sudipta Chatterjee: chalo no probs.. bye

Nirav Uchat: thanks for u r valuable tips

Nirav Uchat: c u later

Nirav Uchat: bye

Sudipta Chatterjee: bye

Bye folks... keep mailing


  1. May be I don't agree with you completely.

    Instead If you are opting for CS here is the what I percieve to be the current picture [stream wise]
    Databases : IIT-B [ with a deadly combintaion of Krithi, Sudarshan, Somyajit and Sarawagi] you can't get it anywhere else.They at this stage compare (even are better) than Wisconsin database division. No point comparing any other Indian institutes with them.They are the peak in this area.
    IIT Kanpur and IIT Madras
    IIT Kharagpur and IISC
    Computer Vision and Graphics
    IIIT Hyderabad (they lead this area with people like PJN heading this department)
    next comes IIT Delhi.
    AI and Robotics:
    IIT Kharagpur and IIIT Hyderabad
    IISC (No Comparison)
    Networks and communications:
    [Dont have a perfect idea]
    To the best of my knowledge IIT-Kharagpur and BITS Pilani are quite good in this.
    Natural language processing(NLP):
    IIIT Hyderabad(LTRC)

    I am not sure how good is an MTech. I would rather prefer an MS by research.(not 'MSc' that is crap)

    I heard about the BITS Pilani HP scholarship. IT is worth trying for. MS by research in IIIT Hyderabad is completely supported (no fees) with additional TA-Ship and Raship support.

    Whatever be the institute the proff under which you work matters a lot,so take that into consideration care.

    MTech ?? If you want to do research...I would consider it a no no. Most of the MTech programmes are some bullshit courseworks(all which you have already done in your Btech)

    If you still have no mood for an Indian pHd (financial reasons) or wahtsoever and want to finish it off in 3 years or less look out for some good universities in UK,australia (only a few) or NUS or NTU (be careful for these 2...check out the proff first)

    A PHD in US often takes 5-6 years average, so be prepared.But their universities are worth it. After doing a pHd from UK don;t expect a lecturer post in US top university. It won't have that reputation.

    MS and pHD's are more to do with your advisors(university is also important no doubt) and how you gel with him,so take all that into condiseration. Best way to rate an advisor is checking out his DBLP entries and his references and the conferences for which he is a Program Committe member or a Chair.this shows his level.

    Want to do post graduation for JOB ?? May be you can go for MTech.But if you want to do research I guess MTech is not the correct option.

    That's my view, and you may chose to differ :) But thats what I feel and have experienced in last 5 years.

  2. Hi Anonymous,

    Ahh... what you say seems to be true, and I regret that I did not get this comment earler. But I am amazed how you came to this post after such a long time. Some old Yahoo group archive, eh?

    Now, why I regret that I did not get this comment earler? Because then I would have been aware that there is indeed a place where NLP research is going on in India. As you say, I am going for (or rather,as I should say, applying for) a PhD in NLP with my present B.E. I just hope I had come to know about this earlier... I would have quit my job then and there and joined this place at IIIT Hyderabad.

    Well, in case you do come back to this place, do leave some contact id. I would love to be in touch with you... you seem to know what is happening where. Last 5 years?? Let me guess, a PhD student at some university (I think a US university with specialisation in Databases)


  3. sir, i am pursuing final year. I took gate 2010 examination . but i am sure that i can't get into iits or iisc.. now i am applying for pgee2010 iiit examination . is it good in doing ms in vlsi at iiith. or else should i take one more time gate exam to do ms or in iits. sir please guide me what to do now. is it better to waste one year and prepare for gate or else join in iiith. or to do any job anthen take gate after two years.
    please kindly give me your suggtions sir...
    [sir reply me to my mail:]


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