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Showing posts from November, 2007

The desi Juliet guide

Ever since I read the desi romeo guide (much, much before I republished it here on the blog), I have been wondering if a similar guide exists for the juliets as well. Similar to biblical history wherein Eve was created after Adam, I am venturing to create the desi Juliet guide. This document may be copied and reproduced freely, except for commercial purposes, provided you mention the source of its first publication here at this URL:. I love to say that I have observed only a small percent of the traits I am going to describe in actual people I've met. The rest of it is purely the work of my imagination, and I don't claim that the uncanny resemblance with you in one of these categories necessarily means that you inspired it in the first place. :D So, here we go: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% THE BALLERINA (Julietofus Dansicus) ================================================ Ever since she ventur...

How Sudipta made his fish

Being a Bong, it is almost criminal not to be able to relish fish. Now, relishing to eat something and being able to make the delicacy are two completely independent phenomena. Today, I proudly proclaim that I was able to make something that at least smelt fish-y ;). It all began when I was accompanying a Bengali friend of mine in her car. She remembered suddenly that she needed to get some stuff from the local Indian grocery store. I had never been to this one before, and in there as soon as the lid was raised from the freezer and I spotted frozen fish, I leaped with joy! Never mind that I still cannot make an omelet without spilling some egg out... " fish-fish par likkha hai khaane waale ka naam ". And these tiny ones definitely had Sudipta written all over them. I enthusiastically brought home a whole packet full of tiny fish called Kechki , and put it in the freezer. Every week on the Sunday, I would stare at the packet and shudder in horror about how I was going to manag...


It feels so good when people I don't know at all send me messages on Orkut asking why there aren't any new posts on the blog. As always, it makes my day; besides a certain 'hmph' from a certain person. Thank you! :) Then, take a look at this article: Researcher sheds light on increasing 'casual sex' phenomenon . Damn, I say --- where are these mythical girls? How come I never meet any of these? And my apologies for this placefiller of a post --- I promise something really juicy coming up! :D