Huff... puff... and a thousand other such exclamations later, I am back. Before I launch into a detailed narrative of what I have been doing this long, let me give you all the good news: I scored 1500 on the GRE (and the test is out of 1600, for the uninitiated). That was last weekend on Friday. Today, as I type, I am supposed to go for my GRE, but the Marwah house where the test centre is in Mumbai seems to be drowned, and so it has been rescheduled for 20th August. Till then, therefore, I am here. Ah, folks, let me just thank all of you here for all your good wishes. Everybody who visited, said I'll fare well, wished the best of luck to me... thank you!! I cannot tell you well how I have controlled myself, have been swearing at self-imposed chains and fetters, and how I have squeezed myself into this recluse. I missed all of you, your tales, your messages, your comments, your chains of discussions. This has been a trying time for me... not visiting the favourite haunts, not com...
The chronicles of Sudipta:
the man, the machine, and everything inbetween